관심있는 것들 정리

5G 관련 정리 본문


5G 관련 정리

내공강화 2018. 9. 26. 23:59

* 5G specification

23.501  System Architecture for the 5G System

23.502  Procedures for the 5G System

* 5G  related internet texts/blogs

5G used to send data to a self-driving vehicle at record speeds

The challenges and benefits of 5G network slicing

5G Networks – The Role of Wi-Fi and Unlicensed Technologies

What is Vo5G?

What is enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB)

What is mobile edge computing?

How Fast is 5G?

What is Network Slicing?

5G Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) technology | What Is It?

Guide to Small Cells, HetNets and 5G

* Youtube links

Network Slicing to Support 5G

5G Network Architecture by Andy Sutton (IET 2018 Turing)

Fundamentals of 5G Mobile Communication

Everything You Need to Know About 5G

What is 5G? | CNBC Explains

5G: The Design of Next-Generation Wireless Infrastructures

5G Terminology

5G Service Based Architecture (SBA)

5G Network Architecture Options (Updated)

Use of mm Wavelengths & Beam Forming with 5G

How will wireless 5G technology handle 1 000 times more data?

5G 저지연 이동통신 핵심기술

[SK텔레콤] 젤리로 배우는 5G_통신기술의 어벤져스

Evolution to a 5G Core (long)
