관심있는 것들 정리
5G 관련 정리 본문
* 5G specification
23.501 System Architecture for the 5G System
23.502 Procedures for the 5G System
* 5G related internet texts/blogs
5G used to send data to a self-driving vehicle at record speeds
The challenges and benefits of 5G network slicing
5G Networks – The Role of Wi-Fi and Unlicensed Technologies
What is enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB)
What is mobile edge computing?
5G Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) technology | What Is It?
Guide to Small Cells, HetNets and 5G
* Youtube links
5G Network Architecture by Andy Sutton (IET 2018 Turing)
Fundamentals of 5G Mobile Communication
Everything You Need to Know About 5G
5G: The Design of Next-Generation Wireless Infrastructures
5G Service Based Architecture (SBA)
5G Network Architecture Options (Updated)
Use of mm Wavelengths & Beam Forming with 5G
How will wireless 5G technology handle 1 000 times more data?